Stand out with confidence on LinkedIn


Stand out with confidence on LinkedIn:

Optimize a professional profile, build real relationships and create compelling content.

“Why should I be on LinkedIn? How do I stand out? What are the actual steps to take?”

Do you want to feel like a pro using LinkedIn? We studied over 500 data points on LinkedIn users which showed that despite 70-90% of users wanting to feel confident using LinkedIn to get a job, make content, optimize their and build relationships, less than 25% of users were getting the results they wanted. That’s where this course comes in.

This course will help you:

  1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile so you are ready to use 1-step apply for jobs

  2. Connect with relevant people, and create meaningful relationships

  3. Create a range of engaging, relevant content, increasing your visibility and establishing your subject matter interest and expertise

  4. Establishing healthy and sustainable LinkedIn habits to use time effectively

  5. Practice the skills in a supportive community moderated by Josh Farr who has specifically
    3300+ students on LinkedIn, Personal Branding and Networking skills

Course Structure

Week 1: Profile Optimization

You will have an optimized profile for the next job you are seeking. You will be able to apply for any job with confidence that your LinkedIn page will add value to your application. You will be able to identify and speak to your key mindsets, skills and knowledge.

Week 2: Relationship Building

You will use templates for connection requests and messages to expand and nurture your relationships on LinkedIn. You will reach out to your network and tap into the ‘hidden job market’ by using our relationship building technologies. You will build new connections with key employment staff, university alumni and new peers.

Week 3: Content Confidence

You will use ready-to-post templates to more than double your post views and feel confident that your content is valuable and relevant to your community. You will learn how to build sustainable posting schedules and see measurable growth in your personal brand.


The cost of this online course is $99 plus GST. You will receive:

  • 3-week online course w/ videos, activities, quizzes and discussion boards (available 24/7)

  • Certificate of completion (digital PDF and JPEG) signed by Josh Farr

  • A digital badge to be added to LinkedIn, verified by Campus Consultancy

  • Sample templates for LinkedIn profiles, headlines, summaries, job descriptions, connection requests and message threads with challenges to apply the learning

  • Step-by-step instructions for LinkedIn profile optimization

  • Sample templates for a range of content types you can customize for your newsfeed

  • Lifetime access to a private Facebook group for discussions moderated by Josh Farr

Do you have any questions? Reach out via email at or bulk-buy rates.

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